Tuesday, October 21, 2014

The Corporate Jungle

High rise buildings, posh cabins with cushions that bake your back in summer, table service for tea and coffee... at first glance, a corporate looks like the most cultured pocket of humanity. Second and the third, yeah its still does. Wait for a month and you will start hearing wolves gossiping in the cafeteria.

I have always wondered how no matter where we are our mundane human behaviour overlays itself regardless of the change in scenery. Like for example, in front of the most magnificent monument, you will still find couples bickering about whose fault it was that they missed the tour bus in the morning. So I guess a corporate office is no different.

You will find horses, those people who work hard with dignity and gain respect (umm, not enough pay check though)
You have the hippos, of course no need to explain
You have the tigers, smart, independent, idealistic and go for the kill action folks who believe and do what they think will deliver and not so surprising succeed most of the time
You have the rabbits, busy busy busy but just a carrot to show in the end
You have hyenas, not so bright to get the job done, but sharp and cunning enough to steal the result from somewhere
Giraffes, visionaries who don't actually do, just ideate (oh God, did I just use that word)
Then you have the king, the Lion, who hold the pack together by strength of character, who knows when to push the tigers and when to back off, who can drag the hippo out of the pit and team it with a horse to balance them both.

In any corporate office, you will find all these types of people. Should work perfectly right? I mean this is the right mix isn't it. Or so I thought. Then I joined a company where, the hippos were so many that the pond was not enough, hyenas at the top and the horses on sick leave. I guess the lions and tigers were too smart to join. Phew, if Darwin had worked at a corporate he would have said, "survival of the thickest".

Goes to show that just because you add the ingredients and boil what you get will be food.

I know you are now wondering what animal I am if I am actually wasting time and writing about it in the blog. Obviously the B, but to my credit, not always!

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