Sunday, November 4, 2007

Adoption or adaption

When I tell people that I want to adopt a kid rather than have one on my own the response is invariably one of the two, "do you think you are mother Theresa?" or "do you have a psychological problem?" Boy! what a world. Here i am trying to do myself and someone else a favour and look what people say? "Whats your problem? Why should you pay for someone else's mistakes?" Well, when did the biggest obsession since food become a mistake. Problem is most think that majority is right, if you aren't in the majority you are wrong.

For this I am branded as a weirdo or a smart ass who is making a mistake and doesn't know it yet. Well, first of all, why is having a baby on your own different from adopting a baby? Except for your genes which don't count much anyway what else is unique about the baby you chuck out on your own into the world. One of the weirdest and popular answers I have hard so far is "the pleasure of bearing a child for 10 months and then giving birth to a life is special." Tell this to a woman suffering from morning sickness for ten months, tell that to a woman who is almost dying in the process of giving birth. Which moron decided that its pleasure? If you can't see the life that is already around you, what makes you eligible to create one on your own?

Another popular answer is "my children are always special to me because they are mine". I can see where such parents are heading. Exactly fifteen years down the line, they will be going into cardiac arrest when their son or daughter come home with a date. They are mostly the kind who treat children like property, 'we made you so we own you' types.

A very popular answer with the ladies and a surprising large number of men too is, "a woman is complete only when she becomes a mother." Boy! then what are we till then? and what about woman who cannot or don't? There is only one response I ever give to this statement and thats a good laugh.

What I don't understand is, when you can love a stranger enough to sleep with him or her, why cant you love and care for a child who doesn't have a home.

One of the most funny answers I have heard though is this "because that's what everyone does". The person who gave me this answer went on explain that if 99.9% of the population does that then it should be the right choice and since no one adopts, it should be wrong.

I never dreamt of arguing with this guy because I was afraid. A few words with this species could cause damage to your mind you know.

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