Tuesday, November 6, 2007


Tomorrow is Diwali, although I am not celebrating this year as a mark of respect to my grandma who passed way recently, I can still feel the nervous energy festivals like Diwali bring.

The festival of light, the most expensive Indian festival and a diabetic's nightmare - what makes this festival so special that it has surpassed all other festivals in their pomp and splendour. I guess the answer is its pure fun. It has a bit for everyone, sweets, cloths, crackers all the vices in one shot. It gives license to enjoy and celebrate life without inhibitions. I opens our hearts to see everyone in a friendly light. Not to mention the lights, not the artificial ones that camouflage darkness but the small oil lamps made of the earth with their small specks of light bravely carving a space for itself in the dark. I always liked to watch these little lamps, the shifting trance like dance between light and dark. It never fails to remind me of our own internal struggles.

After all life is like that isn't it. Its not about covering up the worst sides of ourselves but with facing our own demons and fighting for our beliefs, no matter what the world says.

By the way, 'tamaso ma jyotirgamaya' doesn't it sound like 'let there be light'?

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